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If you are going to build in your back yard and if you are going to do so without a permit, you are bound by a number of rules. We explain here how large the surface is that you can build on.

The first step is to determine your backyard area . When you have done this, calculate the building area .

Calculate the maximum square meters you can build
If you know the size of the ‘ building area ‘, you can immediately calculate how many square meters you can build on.

  1. If your built-up area is less than or equal to 100 m2, you may build a maximum of 50% of that built-up area.
  2. If your built-up area is between 100 m2 and 300 m2, you may build an additional 50 m2 + 20% of everything above the 100 m2 built-up area. Example: your built area is 160m2. You may then build 50m2 + 20% of (160-100=) 60m2 = 12m2. So 50+12= 62 m2 you can build on at most.
  3. Is your built area larger than 300 m2? Then you may build 90 m2 + 10% of the part of the built-up area that is larger than 300 m2, up to a maximum of 150 m2 in total. Example: your built area is 350 m2. Then you may build a maximum of: 90m2 + 10% of everything above the 300m2 building area. You may then build 90m2 + 10% of (350-300=) 50m2 = 5m2. So 90 + 5 = 95 m2 you can build on a maximum.