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This is called the liberalization limit. As a landlord you can ask for any rent you want above this limit.

How that works is as follows. The government draws up a schedule twice a year with the maximum reasonable rents. This applies to a studio of 45m2 but also to a large house of 150m2. Everyone in the Netherlands can calculate fairly easily how many rental points their house has. You can do this on the website of the rent committee .

With the studio of 45m2, you may end up with 135 rental points, which, according to the rental point schedule, currently equals a maximum reasonable rent of €710.75 per month. With a large house of 150 m2, you may end up with 200 rental points and the maximum reasonable rent is € 1071.98.

But does this mean that you can then only charge €1071.98 in rent if you are going to rent out that big house? No, it doesn’t mean that. There is a liberalization limit. This is the rent above which you as a landlord can ask for any rent you want. A house with 200 rent points is well above the liberalization threshold and so you can ask any rent you want for it. You do not have to take into account the ‘maximum reasonable rent’ that you have calculated on the website of the rent committee.

From how many rental points can you ask for any rental you want?
To determine that, you first need to know what the current liberalization limit is in the Netherlands at that time. That is now at the time of writing this BLOG (11-11-21): €752.33 per month . But do you want to know what it is the moment you read this? Then do a quick search on the internet for: ‘liberaliseringsgrens zelfstandige woningen + YEAR’. You’ll get it right away. Do you want to know what it will be next year? Then you often don’t find this yet. Only for the current year or a year from the past. For the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022, the liberalization limit is therefore: €752.33.

Then look at the then current ‘Implementation Regulations for Rental Prices for Living Space’ ( ‘Uitvoeringsregeling huurprijzen woonruimte’.). That will still look like this in 2021 . But please note: this BLOG was written in November 2021. If you are reading this in a different year, then a different rent schedule applies. Therefore always search the internet for the most recent rental price schedule. You can do this by searching for Implementation Regulations for Rents for Living Space’ . You’ll come to this website:

Where can I find those rental points
Website implementation regulation rental prices (Website Uitvoeringsregeling Huurprijzen)

Scroll down until you are on the left in the article overview ‘ Appendix I ‘. Click on that and you will see the overview:

Rental prices overview government
Overview rental points

You then have the most recent rental points overview that applies at that time.

For the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022, the rental points rental price schedule therefore looks like this.
As you can see, you currently need at least 143 rental points to place your home in the free (liberalized) sector.

Get extra points
It is our urgent advice to never have exactly enough points. Always try to have at least 8 extra rental points. The reason is that the determination times for the liberalization limit and the determination times for maximum reasonable rents differ from each other. And another reason is that a rent commission may count more critically than the points you have assumed. If a tenant objects to the rent and the rent committee still counts the rent points more sharply than you did beforehand, then you have a problem.

Which is leading: the rental points or the maximum rental price?
The maximum rental price is leading. We give you an example in which you can apply this;
Your property is a monument or a protected town or village landmark. Then that’s good news. You will then receive a surcharge (currently (2021) 5%) on the maximum reasonable rent. For example, the scoring shows that you have just too few rental points for the free sector. Because you have indicated in the rental point calculation that your home is a monument or a protected village view, the number of points remains the same, but the maximum allowed rent in your calculation increases. Take a look at this example rental point calculation . You see here a fictitious count of only 142 rental points. However, the maximum permitted rent is €862.06, which falls above the current liberalization limit of €752.33. So this house also falls into the free sector even though it only has 142 rental points.

Detached houses (room rental)
Please note: we have only discussed the independent houses above. If you rent or let a room, the same principle applies, but then you must start from the rental point count for non-self-contained housing in combination with the implementation regulation for housing rental prices Attachment II (detached housing).

Would you like to know more about rental points and rental point counts?
Then also check out this blog .

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