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As a consumer, you see a lot of stickers and banners going by: NVM, VastgoedPro, VastgoedCert, SVCM and….VBO.

But what exactly is a VBO Broker and what do all those other stickers mean?

Here’s a Jip and Janneke explanation so everyone gets it.

The NVM broker, the VBO broker and the VastgoedPro broker

The real estate profession used to be a protected profession. You were not allowed to just call yourself a real estate agent. In the year 2001, the real estate profession became a liberal profession. Anyone was allowed to call themselves a “real estate agent” from then on.

To still ensure quality, the industry clubs NVM, VastgoedPro and VBO were formed. These place strict requirements on their members in terms of training, annual education/upgrading, rules of conduct and so on. These clubs also have a joint disciplinary court, a political lobby, a database of homes sold, up to date working documents, their own legal department and much more. Basically everything to provide better quality and better service to consumers.

In short, the VBO Broker is the same as an NVM Broker or a VastgoedPro Broker.

You will be dealing with a real estate agent who is bound by rules of the game and quality requirements, and if he/she does not do his/her job properly, you can hold him/her accountable for this through the disciplinary committee of which the real estate agent is a part.

What is that VastgoedCert and what is SVCM?

These are the real estate registries where qualified real estate agents can register. NVM brokers are always affiliated with VastgoedCert. VBO brokers have more choices. They can join either VastgoedCert or SVCM. Both real estate registries have strict quality and training requirements and are virtually identical.

What are the differences between NVM, VBO and VastgoedPro?

If you want more information on the differences between NVM, VBO and VastgoedPro, click to this article.